Rosa, Ramón (1848–1893)

Ramón Rosa, Honduran statesman. Born in Tegucigalpa, Rosa studied law at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala and began his law career in 1869. He took part in the military victory over the Conservatives in 1871.

Rosa is known for his participation in Honduran political and intellectual life during the late nineteenth century. He was a member of the Council of Ministers, exercising executive authority from 10 June 1880 to 30 July 1880. More importantly, Rosa reflected the positivist intellectual currents of his time. This intellectual trend manifested itself throughout Latin America as political leaders sought to develop their societies through a combination of education, training, and agro-export economies. Rosa wrote on the effects of positivism in Honduras, emphasizing the need for material progress and scientific education. He and Honduran president Marco Aurelio Soto were protégés of Guatemalan intellectuals at the University of San Carlos and of the Guatemalan Justo Rufino Barrior. Together, these Liberal “positivists” transformed Honduran society from one characterized by isolation and Liberal-Conservative rivalry to one more open to international commerce and, eventually, the banana trade.