REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTSFirst Entry from 1st to 6th grade
Age 6 years for first grade
Proceed from a bilingual school.
Academic index at least 80% in the basic subjects.
Repitentes are not accepted.
Documents to submit:
- Original birth certificate
- Original certificate of studies of the previous year extended by SACE.
- Evidence of original conduct (outstanding or very good).
- Legible photocopy of the identity card of the parent or guardian.
- 2 passport-size photographs.
- Solvency of the institution of origin.
Aprobar examen de admisión.
Entrevista con los padres y aspirante a alumno (traer toda la documentación).
Re-entry First through Sixth Grade
Original study certificate from the previous year
Legible photocopy of the identity card of the parent or guardian.
2 passport-size photographs.
Repitentes are not accepted.
Date and schedule of registration
From December 1 to 15, 2020
From January 18 to 29, 2021
07:00 a.m. at 03:00 p.m.